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Logo Work

The font used - Milky Coffee by Khurasan (found on dafont)
Logo design - Con Ball (aka myself)

I made the main image of the logo via Procreate as it's a platform I am familiar with, whereas the added text and combining of the images was made via Photoshop. I would've preferred to use procreate as I find it easier to edit and create when I can work directly onto the screen rather than through a keyboard and mouse. So in the future, I would prefer to use Procreate to create logos and designs.

Finding my font was fairly easy - I wanted something fun, bouncy and simple. The first few fonts I looked through, while pretty, were not in-line with my ideas of hat I wanted the font to look like. rather than downloading the font and editing it separately, I imputed my artist's name and screenshotted the page in order to capture the altered text in the preview. Then I made it transparent and imported in my logo design.

The main image of the logo (the logomark) is a pendant with a pink ovaloid in the middle. imbedded in the pink oval is a darker pink "S" (for Solaxa), and the two suns represent the sun (fairly obviously, but there are references to the sun throughout my music video). I used perspective to make it look like the two suns are actually on the ovaloid.

The most difficult part of the process was adding in the logomark, as I accidentally got rid of the text I had initially edited, leading me to write and photoshop it again. In addition, I couldn't get the text to function as a separate entity from the main image, so I has to constantly and specifically select it whenever I needed to resize it.
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