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Poll Results

As part of my research, I wanted to gather a sample of what my target audience would like to see in a music video. The form ran for around a week or two and gained 13 responses. All respondents were between the ages of 15 and 17 at the time.

Almond my respondents, a majority were female, with 61.5% identifying as such. 15.4% of respondents identified as male, the exact same amount of people as who identified as non-binary or other. 7.7% preferred not to say.

In their spare time, 8 people mentioned liking watching movies or tv shows, whether generalised or specific (Love Island and Formula 1 both got mentioned). 4 people mentioned music in some format, 2 people mentioned reading, and another 2 mentioned friends.

TV shows and Video Games my target audience liked were varied. Among video games and TV shows mentioned multiple times, Strsnger Things was mentioned 4 times. General concepts were mentioned throughout, with other people going into further detail. These included The Batman (generally mentioned under DC Comics); WandVision (generally mentioned under Marvel TV shows); Genshin Impact (generally mentioned under mobile games); and Cookie Run (also generally mentioned under mobile games).

In terms of genres, Pop was the most popular, gaining 46.2% of votes, disincluding the person who didn't mind any genre and the person who mentioned Romanian music without any specifics outside of it. One of those responses also mentioned indie music. Rock was also popular, with 23.1% of voters selecting it.

Artist recommendations were varied, the only overlap being two recommendations to watch Declan McKenna.

In terms of props, people weren't fussy, with several people recommending things that relate to the music and setting. However, some people wanted a variety of costumes, with one person suggesting leather jackets and combat boots. Settings were similar, but generally the call was for urban locations.

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