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Media Analysis - Hit Me Baby One More Time

Hit Me Baby is a pop anthem with the key ideas of a pop music video - filled with dance performances and singing along to the lyrics. In the video, the artist Britney Spears depicts age and maturity, reaching out to a primarily teenaged audience.

Hit Me Baby contains depictions of young women growing up and maturing. In the beginning, the main protagonist (played by singer Britney Spears) wears her hair in pink, fluffy hair clips that would not be out of place on a young child. However, this contrasts with her modified uniform bearing her midriff, which continues throughout her outfits. Her second outfit at the mall is a hot pink crop top with white trousers, and her final outfit has red trousers and a yellow top. The shift from light pink, to hot pink, to red is symbolic for her development into a woman, whilst still retaining her feminine, teen spirit.

We also see depictions of ethnicity throughout the music video. The majority of the people within the private school (including the teachers and Spears) are white, whereas outside of the school and in the sports show, there is a lot more ethnically diverse people. This implies that whilst growing up, the singer was naive, and only saw things from a single perspective - the one her surroundings wanted her to see. However, whilst maturing, she starts meeting people from outside her perspective and gaining a new view of things. This shows how whilst growing up, the people who followed blindly can explore outside of the views initially presented to them.

We also see depictions of age throughout the video. Most of the characters depicted are teenagers, who are portrayed as rebellious and motivated by love, and are easily bored by lessons, whereas the teacher is shows to be drab and dry in her appearance. Given that the video is aimed towards a primarily teenaged audience (with Britney Spears being a former child star establishing her new reputation), it makes sense for the teenagers to be portrayed as cool and attractive - they want the viewers to aspire and look up to their depictions. However a more oppositional response would say that the behaviour is not rebellious, and the worst thing they did was being bored in lessons and violating the dress code, in addition to the 16-year-old Spears being depicted in a disturbingly sexual light.

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