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Song - I Do This All The Time (Self Esteem)

Updated: Sep 20, 2022

Lyrics (until music cut):

Look up, lean back, be strong

You didn't think you'd live this long

Be as one, hold on, steady stand

For as long as you think you can

Old habits die for a couple of weeks

And then I start doing them again

This sun is making me feel like I'm missing out on something

But if I went to your barbecue

I'd feel uncomfortable and not be sure what to say anyway

It's like when I go to your birthday

Drinks to congratulate you being the age I already thought you were

Or not, I don't know

It's a miracle, I've remembered at all

When I'm buried in the ground

I won't be able to make your birthday drinks

But I will still feel guilty

You see, when the air warms up like this

It brings every single memory of you back

And it makes me so sick, I can't breathe

Except I am still breathing, aren't I?

Sometimes I think that's the problem

So look up, lean back, be strong

You didn't think you'd live this long

Be as one, hold on, steady stand

For as long as you think you can

Be very careful out there

Stop trying to have so many friends

Don't be intimidated by all the babies they have

Don't be embarrassed that all you've had is fun

Prioritise pleasure

Don't send those long paragraph texts

Stop it, don't

Getting married isn't the biggest day of your life

All the days that you get to have are big

Be wary of the favours that they do for you

They'll tell you I'm wrong, they'll tell you (I do this all the time)

They'll tell you I'm wrong, they'll tell you (I do this all the time)

So look up, lean back, be strong

You didn't think you'd live this long

Be as one, hold on, steady stand

For as long as you think you can

All you need to do, darling, is fit in that little dress of yours

If you weren't doing this you'd be working in McDonald's

So try and cheer up, I'm not sure

You're moving around too much, you need to stand still

Be more like Mairead, shh

Stop showing off

You're a good girl

You're a good, tall girl

You're a good, sturdy girl


Self Esteem is signed to Fiction Records

I have chosen this song as it is about life and its struggles. I find it emblematic of my life and experiences as someone who is an over thinker when it comes to human interaction. Often in my life I feel as though I'm falling behind or doing things wrong, when I'm going at my own pace and enjoying my life in a way different to the others. The last verse of the song especially resonated with me, as I often feel as though people are being condescending and talking down to me. The last lines especially hit hard as despite being assigned female at birth, I'm non-binary and thus it cuts harder than the rest of the song. I chose to end the music video on this note to invoke irony.

Self Esteem is the stage name for Rebecca Lucy Taylor, an English singer-songwriter. The name came from the evolution of Taylor's confidence through her young adulthood. She first released I Do This All The Time in April 2021, from her second album Prioritise Pleasure, which is also a lyric in IDTATT. The Guardian, a left-leaning broadsheet newspaper, named IDTATT as the best song of 2021.

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