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Titling & Green-Screening edits In Adobe After Effects

Updated: Oct 13, 2022

When making a music video, branding is key. Thus adding titles to the video is a must, both to explain who the artist is and what the music video is called. In my example, I went for a more practical approach with the wording of my titles, being quite curt and direct. In my actual music video, this will be replaced with the actual artist and music video's names (in my case, the artist will be called Solaxa and the music video called I Do This All The Time [by Self Esteem]).
To title the videos, I added a text layer. In my initial editing, I faded them out but in this one, I was somewhat unable to make the words just show up & disappear so I edited so they'd fade away after 1 frame. This is consistent with my green-screening and moving of the video as detailed below. I'm aware this method is overcomplicated but I find it more fun and rewarding to do, even if the end effects are the same.

In addition, I also practised with green-screening. Green-screening allows people to inert footage into spaces predominantly one colour (most often green as it's one of the furthest colours away from the human skin, but blue is sometimes used). As such I practised keying in this exercise as well. I keyed out the footage I didn't wish to include (the green-screens) and replaced them with more favourable footage (I.e. my music video). This is the only setting I changed with the keying tool, the rest remained as they were beforehand. The keying tool can be found in the effects tool, labelled keylight.
This made the original footage into a mask. We also spliced and cut the original footage to cut it to a more desired length.

To achieve the effects seen in-video, I made the titling music video first, then the green-screening video afterwards.

The green-screen footage is royalty free and found at pexels, whereas the footage I used for splicing was unsourced by my teacher. It's likely, however, it also originated from pexels.
The main problem I faced was my own worry that they wouldn't export as my previous editing didn't export for some reason. Luckily they both exported beautifully.
Another problem was the lag I faced whilst green-screening. For whatever reason, my computer was lagging like crazy when I was trying to edit, making it harder to work. I believe I handled it well.
My third problem was that I was surrounded by rather loud students who could tend to be disturbing and made me feel somewhat uncomfy. I was able to deal with them.

Overall I really enjoyed these editing exercises as they allowed me to build my skills in editing programs like Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe After Effects. Though I would prefer better seating lol.
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