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Who is Solaxa?

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Solaxa circa September 2021, before they began publishing music

Solaxa Website Image.png

Interview for I Do This All The Time:

Who or what was your biggest inspiration for your music?


Since I was young, I've always adored the way music makes us feel. I loved writing and reading as a kid, and would always have a song in my head. I loved songs of all kind and still do now! I don't really have a one inspiration, I suppose Tolkein for inspiring many future fantasy authors.


You say you love fantasy, but your latest song "I Do This All The Time" is more gritty and down-to-earth. How come?


Sometimes in life, darkness takes over us. There's no fault to that. Mental health is important but I didn't realise how important it was until last year when I actually realised how low I had been feeling for a while after a break-up. I wanted the song to have a different tone to reflect that period in my life. Also I wished to experiment with a song that reflected everyday life. I wanted to create an anthem that I would pass on to my nieces and nephews one day.


Is the guy in your music video your ex? Or is he your new boyfriend?


(Laughs) Of course not. Me and my ex are still friends (we just weren't a good romantic fit, and the music video is inspired by an ex-friend rather than my ex-partner), but he's quite camera shy. The boy in the video is actually my brother-in-law! He's cool, but I'd never date him.


When's the next tour?


I'm hoping for an autumn tour later this year! Locations aren't set in stone but it's most likely going to be a UK tour, sorry international Solaxa fans.


When will the album release?


This summer! We're still workshopping names though I'm thinking something along the lines of "Persephone". Something dark and mysterious but ultimately hopeful and regal. We're hoping this will coincide with the autumn tour, one last hurrah to summer before Persephone goes back to her husband Hades.


Who designed your logo?


I did! I created it on Procreate on my own time. I used it back when I was independent and I guess my manager liked the look enough to keep it.


Finally, who would you say is your greatest supporter?


Easily my brother-in-law!

Solaxa circa November 2022, whilst filming the music video for "I Do This All The Time".

@2023 Solaxa is an artist belonging to and created by Connie Ball. I Do This All The Time is by Self-Esteem. Logo text is Milky Coffee found on, created by Khurasan. Logo picture created by Connie Ball. Website powered by Wix.

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